Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Xerox ColorQube Immediate Job Overwrite Failed. Perform an On Demand Overwright.

The Problem
I received a ticket saying that our Xerox ColorQube was giving an error and they didn't know how to fix it. Apparently they were still able to copy but wanted to get rid of it. After arriving I saw the message to the right. It was saying "Immediate Job Overwrite Failed. Perform an On Demand Overwrite immediately."

It is pretty self explanatory what the problem is. After every copy, fax, and scan job the copier overwrites the portion of the hard drive where the document was stored temporarily. The reason for this is to keep someone from being able retrieve documents off of the device at a later time. Apparently one of the times it went to overwrite the job it failed. To keep the documents safe it wants you to perform an On-Demand Overwrite which wipes the whole drive.

The Solution
Log-in to the copier as the admin. After doing this press the Machine Status button to the left of the screen. Then click the "Tools" tab which is the most right. Then select "Security Settings" 
Then click on the "Image Overwrite Security" folder. This will open up to the screen below. 
Before clicking on the "On Demand Overwrite" know that it will take about 40 minutes depending on your machine. 

When it is done it will restart the machine. After it is done though the error will be gone. Good Luck.


  1. Why does the Immediate Job Overwrite fail in the first place?

  2. Good Question, Sadly it is one I don't have the answer to. My technical guess is that while it was doing the overwrite job that something interrupted it. Maybe someone using the copier. That is only a guess though so don't take my word for it.

  3. Thanks for this question & this great solution , i'll do it

  4. Does this delete all my users and settings?

  5. how do you log in as an admin and what is the password or are all the colorqube different

  6. I am running this right now. Thank you very much for the info!!! :)

  7. Had to do this yesterday evening and the printer is now locked. Can't even turn it off. Any ideas on what to do while I wait for tech support from our vendor?


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